
发布日期:2024-09-29 13:17

来源类型:第一财经 | 作者:管适薜

【494949澳门今晚开什么】 【2024新澳免费资料】 【管家婆精准一肖一码100%l?】





一家媒体,就“上海 laowais 是否认为他们比其他 laowais 更优秀”的问题,做了调查。

来自西班牙的Carlota Victoria说:

Spanish Carlota Victoria said that living in the city doesnt make her feel any superiority over [w=expat]expats elsewhere, though she admitted that she feels better living in Shanghai than in Beijing due to Shanghais cleaner air quality.并没有因为自己所在的城市而又任何的优越感。不过她承认,上海的空气质量确实比北京好很多。

来自美国的Matt William认为:

American Matt William (below) explained that the city has more job opportunities and better pay for English teachers as [w=oppose]opposed to smaller Chinese cities.上海的工作机会更多,英语教师的报酬比小城市高。


William added that he has never heard any of his friends in Shanghai look down upon expats in Beijing or other cities.他从来没有听说过自己在上海的老外朋友,瞧不起北京或其他城市的老外。




Expats in Beijing tend to be academic or diplomatic and they probably speak better Putonghua, know more history and politics and integrate better with Chinese culture," John Armstrong pointed out.北京老外更“学术”,更老练,普通话更好,对中国历史和政治更了解,更能融入中国文化。


"I teach English, so sometimes I feel that people with real jobs look down on us because they think its too easy," William said.“我是教英语的,有时候我觉得那些有“真正工作”的老外歧视我们,因为教英语太简单了。”

"It is English teacher versus everyone else. Shanghai unites fairly or unfairly in its disdain for English teachers. They are the untouchable caste".“老外分为两种:教英语的老外和其他老外。上海老外会歧视教英语的老外——他们是最底层阶级。”


1.The Package Exec自带外挂包的外派人员

Habitat: Gubei, and other places miles from anything that could be considered an interesting part of the city栖息地:(上海)古北等高大上场所

Camouflage: Suit and tie服装:西装领带

The top of the expat food chain, these employees are generally brought over by their companies on generous expat packages, which can include housing, expensive international schooling for their kids and perks like a personal driver.特点:此类老外位于老外食物链的最顶端,他们被公司外派到中国,并携带了“豪华软件包”,其中包括住房补助,子女国际学校就读甚至个人司机。

2.Language Enthusiast语言发烧友

Habitat: French Concession walkup or a Beijing hutong栖息地:法租界公寓或北京胡同

Camouflage: Traditional Mao suit, but only for formal occasions服装:中山装(仅限正式场合)

The Language Enthusiast studied Mandarin or East Asian Studies in college/grad school and arrives in China to soak up more of the language.特点:此类老外在的专业是中文或东亚文化,来中国是为了更好的语言环境。

3.The Conquering Entrepreneur跑来征服新世界的创业者

Habitat: Sleeping secretly in his shared office space in JingAn because rent is just too damn high栖息地:偷偷睡在自己租的静安区写字楼里,因为房租真的太TM贵了!

Camouflage: Various iterations of business casual服装:各种商务休闲装

Brought here by the promises of an ever-expanding market, the Conquering Entrepreneur can be found with business card in-hand, perpetually excited about new opportunities in China.特点:这类老外被中国的巨大市场所吸引,来到中国寻找机会,手里总是拿着名片。

4.The Wandering Teacher四处游荡的老师

Habitat: multiple roommates above an inexpensive bar with Filipina waitresses栖息地:廉价酒吧楼上的合租房内(酒吧里还雇佣着菲律宾裔女佣)

Camouflage: Cargo shorts and carpenter jeans服装:工装裤和牛仔裤

Probably the most commonly-found foreigner in China, the Wandering Teacher comes in two distinct varieties: the
no-jobs-at-home-might-as-well-teach-in China type and the career teacher gaining experience.特点:此类老外在中国极为常见,分为两种,一种是在国外找不到工作,所以来中国碰运气的;另一种是职业教师,来中国积累经验的。

5.The ABC (American-Born Chinese)美国出生的中国人

Habitat: small but well-appointed apartment somewhere near the Bund栖息地:外滩附近设备完善的小公寓

Camouflage: Designer gear and the occasional flatbrim hat服装:设计品牌服装,偶尔鸭舌帽

One of the most interesting foreigner archetypes you’ll meet in China is the ABC (or CBC...or BBC...etc), who has often come to China seeking a reconnection with his or her culture, as well as for many of the same reasons as the types listed above.特点:中国最有趣的老外群体。他们来中国可能是为了“寻根”,也可能是以上四种理由。








